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Pakistani Humanitarian Shoaib Habib Memon Distributing Clothes and Stuff For Flood Affectees in Pakistan 2022 -

Mr. Shoaib Habib Memon is a Freelance Social Worker, Global Goodwill Ambassador, Entrepreneur and a Global Citizen.

Mr. Memon is a Pakistani citizen and resident of District Thatta, Province Sindh. He obtained the degree of M.A (Economics) and LLB from the University of Sindh. He’s worked with many charity organisations such as the National Commission for Human Development (NCHD), Merlin International UK, and ITA Pakistan. Mr. Memon is also a United Nations Volunteer, having attended many training sessions with UNICEF and WFP regarding Health and Nutrition. In addition to this Mr. Memon owns and operates a successful business in his hometown. Mr. Shoaib Habib Memon received a “Book for Peace” award From FUNVIC Foundation (FUNVIC UNESCO CLUB Brasile, member BFUCA WFUCA) in Italy on 21 September 2019 and is regularly involved in volunteer charity work for poverty-stricken and neglected families.

Mr. Memon supports deserving families and orphaned children with food and humanitarian projects, such as installation of hand pumps and wells for clean drinking water, supporting students in financial need, providing clothing and shelter, Women’s empowerment initiatives, and support to impoverished and disabled patients. International think tank Institute of Peace and Development (INSPAD) proudly awarded Mr. Memon as World Humanitarian Excellence Award 2020, & Humanitarian Awards Global (HAG) Republic of Ghana ( West Africa) Presented Certificate of Achievement For Social Services to Mr Shoaib Habib Memon on 18 September 2021. Mr Shoaib Habib Memon also Recieved : CERTIFICATE of Appreciation as a Humanitarian (Ambassador Books For Peace Award) in January 2022 From The FUNVIC Europe , is a local section of FUNVIC , which is part of the club UNESCO BFUCA (Brazil) Read more


When considering poverty in the developing world, many people feel deep sorrow but conclude that there is nothing we can do.

The scale of poverty is gigantic and we seem toothless to stop it. Such despair is reasonable, but the facts tell a very diverse story.

While poverty is indeed severe and widespread, it is easy to disregard just how many people there are in the developed world, and how powerful our pocket change can become when united together

What problem does your business solve?

Shoaib Habib Memon & Friends is Social Worker and Village Volunteer Groups looks to focus upon various issues that must be overcome, including investing time and resources into education, bringing forward new opportunities to those without academic advantages, and ending the battle for clean water globally, with the aim of producing a happier, healthier and safer life for all. The food sector is another area of focus.

We looks to provide food packages to as many people as possible, raising nutritional standards of those in dire need On top of this, we also provide help in the housing sector through assisting people with finding opportunities in the housing industry that may have been impossible for them before, aiding the homeless to find accommodation, and fighting to support those in need. we are well aware of the challenges faced by individuals and communities, globally.

Thus, focus is also placed upon, and not limited to assisting people with mental health challenges and combatting the cruelness of cancer. Many of the issues faced are linked and we stand united to fight against these.

What is the inspiration behind your business?

Research has shown that spending money on us does not considerably add to our sense of pleasure or wellbeing. A Harvard Business School study suggests that sharing or charity is directly connected with an increased sense of happiness.

The Harvard researchers explain: “Happier people give more and giving makes people happier, such that happiness and giving may work in a positive feedback circle.” Other studies have revealed that people experience happiness when they see money go to charity—even if this money isn’t their own. People feel the most pleasure, however, when they give charity or donate something by themselves.

For people born in a developing country, the probability that their hard work will pay off are greatly weakened. They may not be able to work due to a disease for which they can’t afford the treatment, there may not be any work on hand, they may not have the education compulsory for a job that pays a living earnings – the list goes on. Mere daily survival is comprehensive.

This means that people in developing countries are very often at an unjust difficulty compared to others across the world. Children have no opinion over where they live or whether they receive an education. Struggling families may take their children out of school so they may add more immediately to the family income.

This contributes to a cycle of poverty that traps people who may be extraordinarily smart and hard-working, yet indebted to circumstances over which they have no control.

What is your magic sauce?

Lack of clean water is a major problem in underdeveloped countries. Water-borne diseases are rampant in economically depressed areas because clean running water (typically provided by the municipalities) is simply not available. We provides clean drinking water to impoverished areas, currently in Pakistan,

What is the plan for the next 5 years? What do you want to achieve?

Poverty is treatable Efficient interventions can lower the rate of poverty for the world’s neediest people. Preventing and combating diseases can keep children healthy and in school.

Effective healthcare allows parents to continue supporting their families when they might otherwise have to care for sick children or themselves be disabled by incapacitating illness.

Aid provides those living in extreme poverty with the essential resources essential to attain a better standard of living. Poverty is a problem that is treatable, and donation plays a critical role in combating extreme poverty. According to the United Nations SDGs, noticeably fewer people today are living in intense poverty than just a few decades ago.

What is the biggest challenge you’ve faced so far?

The current crisis has only served to emphasize something that was already obvious – that the future of donation is digital. Even once everything gets settled and life begins to return to normal (whatsoever that looks like), donors will not discard all of the new habits that they have learned during this pandemic.

We are living in an era in which digital technology has revolutionized so many things. People now shop, sell and donate in fundamentally different ways: ways that didn’t exist even a decade ago. We anticipate all of our transactions to be quick and easy – and this extends to our charitable donation. The pandemic has certainly prompted many organizations to provide more time and money into how they use digital platforms.

Along with shifting the provision of major services online or to apps, many charities have been forced to update their fundraising efforts. Without the option of holding in-person fundraising events, they have turned online, utilizing their websites and social media to create, facilitate and share ‘viral content’ that resonates with potential donors and encourages donations.


Heavy rainfall has been affecting southern and north-western Pakistan over the past few days, causing floods, and flash floods that resulted in casualties and damage. According to media reports, in Balochistan Province (southern Pakistan) at least 25 people have died, 35 others have been injured, while a number of houses and road sections have been flooded. One of the most affected Districts was Quetta where national authorities are providing emergency assistance. In Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Province (north-western Pakistan), three people have died, four others have been injured and eight houses have been damaged, after heavy rain and floods across four Districts. Furthermore, one Glacial Lake Outburst Flood (GLOF) event has been reported across the Province where at least one person died. For the next 24 hours, more rain with strong winds and thundershowers is expected in Balochistan, Sindh, Kashmir, Islamabad, Upper and Central Punjab, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, and Gilgit-Baltistan. Extreme levels of flood danger were reported in several parts of the country. (ECHO, 6 Jul 2022)

According to the National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA), as of 5 July, a total of 77 people have died across seven Provinces, most of them in Balochistan (39 fatalities) and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (17), three others are still missing, and 85 have been injured. Almost 600 houses have been damaged, five bridges and roads affected. National authorities are providing help to the most affected people. (ECHO, 7 Jul 2022)

The monsoon season continues to affect several provinces of Pakistan, causing floods, flash floods and severe weather-related events, and resulting in an increased humanitarian impact. According to the National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA), as of 11 July, up to 147 fatalities have been reported across seven provinces, most of them in Balochistan (63 fatalities), Sindh (26), and Punjab (23), and 160 individuals have been injured. More than 1 000 houses have been damaged or destroyed, five bridges and road sections affected. National authorities are providing help to the most affected people. (ECHO, 11 Jul 2022)

According to the National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA), as of 18 July, up to 238 fatalities have been reported across seven provinces, most of them in Balochistan (75 fatalities), Punjab (55), and Sindh (48), and 187 individuals have been injured. Almost 3,400 houses have been damaged, as well as 22 bridges and 11.5 km of roads. The provincial disaster management authority in Balochistan has declared state of emergency in the wake of flash floods and heavy rains in Quetta and Pishin districts. According to initial assessments at least 150,000 people require humanitarian assistance, 30,000 people have been severely affected in Balochistan, and 400 families have been displaced. (ECHO, 19 Jul 2022)

Pakistan has received 60% of total normal monsoon rainfall in just three weeks since the start of the monsoon season. Heavy rains have resulted in urban and flash floods, landslides, and Glacial Lake Outburst Floods (GLOF) across Pakistan, particularly affecting Balochistan, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, and Sindh Provinces. As of 25 July, the National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) reported that the floods have resulted in 312 deaths (including 121 children and 56 women) and some 300 people have been injured since 1 July. More than 10,000 households have been affected, of which 60% are in Balochistan. More than 5,000 houses have been partially damaged and another 3,200 houses have been fully damaged. In addition, around 800 schools (600 in Balochistan alone), 50 bridges and 616 km of road sections have been affected. […] According to initial assessments in Balochistan, at least 150,000 people require humanitarian assistance and while 30,000 people have been severely affected, and 400 families have been displaced. The Provincial Disaster Management Authority had declared 18 out of a total of 26 districts in Balochistan as calamity-hit areas. (OCHA, 25 Jul 2022)

According to the National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA), as of 28 July, 357 people died across seven provinces, most of them in Balochistan (106 fatalities), more than 400 sustained injuries, and approximately 23,800 houses have been damaged. Warnings for floods and flash floods have been issued for urban areas in northern Pakistan, including the cities of Islamabad and Peshawar. (ECHO, 29 Jul 2022)

The monsoon season continues to affect several provinces of Pakistan, causing floods, landslides, and severe weather-related incidents, resulting in an increasing scale of humanitarian impact. According to the National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA), as of 1 August, 478 people have died across seven provinces, most of them in Balochistan (136 fatalities). 536 others have been injured, and more than 36,400 houses were damaged, while more than 24,000 livestock have been lost and more than 950 km of roads damaged. (ECHO, 2 Aug 2022)

In view of persisting calamities caused by floods and heavy rainfall across Pakistan, on 5th August, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs officially requested humanitarian assistance from the UN and international community. According to initial estimates 7 million people across Pakistan have been affected by floods. From a total of 35 districts, 24 districts are declared as calamity hit in the province of which 9 districts are severely affected: Lasbela, Jhal Magsi, Killa Saifullah, Pishin, Noshki, Kachhi, Khuzdar, Kalat and Chaman. The PDMA Balochistan has set up five (5) camps accommodating on average 300-500 families per camp (1,800 – 3,000 individuals/camp). (ECHO, 7 Aug 2022)


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